Parrot’s gyroscopic AR Drone

Parrot’s gyroscopic AR Drone quadcopters can be controlled by an iPhone or iPad, iPod or there are some android apps available. These drones by Parrot are very easy to fly and have features such as auto take off, and altitude set means that from a simple press of a button the drone will take off and hover at the set altitude, making the control of these drones possible for even children to operate, and can even fly in formation.
The AR Drone has 3 sensory inputs combined with an auto pilot which detects any changes and counters for the change. It can hover at a deadly accurate set point. You can even set flight parameters so you can only fly with in those limits. Basically the only way to crash one of these drones would be to fly it in to something.
It has FPV (first person video) so it will stream video back to your wireless device in realtime so you can see what your drone sees as it sees it.
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